Upcoming Events

January 21, 2022
Image of Oracle of the Witch Tarot Deck.

Someone asked me recently if I made New Year’s resolutions? I told her no, I set goals instead. I list them in the front of my planner (yes, I use a paper one), my online calendar, and a bullet journal. But, if I see my goals in writing, I am more inclined to keep them. 

This year’s goals included blogging more often, and three weeks in, I can say that I am on task.

December and January are the times of year that I map out the next year. I have all of my fairs on the books, my travel mapped out, and then I work on classes. Usually, I plan those in six-month blocks.

This year I did that, and then I had to pivot a bit due to new Covid-19 variants coming our way. As you may or may not know, the first two psychic fairs of the new year have been postponed, and we wait to see what will happen to the remainder of January.

In my January newsletter, there is a discount code booking online. The newsletter is posted on my Facebook page if you missed it.

From January 31 to February 21, I will be running a zoom workshop on Moon Manifesting: How to visualize and manifest your dreams

Feeling lost or stuck, or don’t know what you want or how to make it happen? Having a wonderful dream may not be enough! You have to have a plan to complete the process. And this is what we will work on in this workshop.

This class is designed to help you visualize and make things happen. Using our most powerful tool, our mind, we will work with the “phases of the moon” to create, feel and take action. 

Week one is the New moon. We will work with the energy of this New Moon and let it guide us to what we want to begin. New Moons are new beginnings. 

Week two is the Waxing Moon. Here we will use this energy to guide us to set a plan into place.

Week three is all about the magic of the Full Moon. This is the power stage; our plans take action.

Week four is the Waning Moon. What needs to be tweaked? What needs to be let go of? This is the completion of the cycle, and the start of the next chapter.

Every week will have a meditation to help clearly define wants and needs. We will learn about a crystal and its association with the moon. Finally, we will set intentions and work towards each individual goal.

The cost is $100 and runs via Zoom.

On February 1, I will be running Psychic Café and this month is Tea Leaf reading.
The cost is $12 and runs via Zoom. These workshops are from 7-9 pm.

On February 4-6, I will be at the Hamilton Psychic Fair

On February 17-20 I will be at the Ottawa Psychic Fair

More information on my events page

Of course, in-person events are only if they are allowed to go ahead.

Recent Posts

February Newsletter

February Newsletter

Betty Jane’s February show listings,
Psychic Cafe – Psychic Artwork, and Imbolc.

January Newsletter

January Newsletter

Betty Jane’s January show listing, Witchcraft Wednesday, and Psychic Cafe is back with Switch Words!

