New Moon

January 7, 2022
Image of Oracle of the Witch Tarot Deck.

A Capricorn tends to be a very strong and focused person. 

A New Moon is a great time to start a new project. 

So a New Moon in Capricorn to start the year is amazing. It is no coincidence that I spent the time leading up to the New Year doing some long-range planning. There are many exciting things to come! I even wrote a personal mantra that I recite several times every day. 

A fitting sneak-peek into one of those plans, I will be doing my Moon Manifesting class on Mondays (moon day) in February. Past classes have been very successful, with all the students setting intentions and achieving their goals. 

This class is offered via zoom at 2 pm EST and 7 pm EST. You can email me at orgglwnarjner@zr.pbz for information or to sign up. 

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