March 2018 Update

February 28, 2018

Updates for the next few weeks!

I will be doing a mediumship demonstration in Stouffville Ontario at Moonflowers Metaphysical Store.
This will be Thursday February 22 @ 7:00 pm

Book with the store for tickets and more information.

I will be in Cornwall Ontario this weekend at the Best Western doing readings.

Book a your time now. This is the first time I will have been there in over a year. I cant wait.

March 2 through 4 I will be at the Hamilton Psychic Expo.
I am now taking booking for appointments.

The end of March I am back in Eastern Ontario. This time in Belleville.
March 23 through 25. Again email me for an appointment.

I look forward to seeing you all there.

Betty Jane

Recent Posts

February Newsletter

February Newsletter

Betty Jane’s February show listings,
Psychic Cafe – Psychic Artwork, and Imbolc.

January Newsletter

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Betty Jane’s January show listing, Witchcraft Wednesday, and Psychic Cafe is back with Switch Words!

