London Calling

April 27, 2018

Hello All!

Well the Canadian tour of Psychic Fairs is complete for the Spring.
It starts up again in August with the first event of the Fall Season being Windsor.
You would think that right now I would be enjoying sleeping in my own bed every night, but that’s not how it works for me.
I am teaching a Spell Crafting Class at Moonflowers in Stouffville this Sunday!! SO if you have an interest connect with Moonflowers for more information.

On May 12 I will be working a one day event at Moonflowers.
So come out and see me there.

K-W Spring Fair
I know that I have a lot of clients that will be missing me at the K-W psychic fair on the long weekend. However we do have a wedding that weekend so I am unable to attend this year. I will be back on the labour day weekend.

If you cant wait to see me that long…you can book a telephone reading with me.
But wait there is a special coming so read this to the end!!

I will be doing a mediumship demo on May 26with Dennis Andersen at MoonFlowers. These are always very healing and I enjoy them more than I ever thought I would.

Okay I mentioned Special

Well you all know that my favourite place to travel to is London UK.
I am spending the month of June Working and playing in the Uk.
I would like to offer a special to all of you!!
All 30 minute readings are half price. That’s it $50 not $100!!
The coupon for the $50 reading is Londoncalling
I don’t offer this very often. But when I do its very popular.
The catch is you must book and pay through my website!
If paypal is not your thing you can etransfer to me as well. orgglwnarjner@zr.pbz
These readings must be booked and used between now and May 26!!

I will be doing some FB Live from my various venues in the UK and, more at home as well. I promise

Betty Jane

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