February Newsletter

February 1, 2024
Image of Oracle of the Witch Tarot Deck.

January has flown by! Of course, participating in three different psychic fairs, along with my in-person and Zoom client meetings, makes for a busy month. February will be no different. We have psychic fairs the first two weekends, and then I am offering a tarot class out of my home on the family day weekend.

In March I am off to Australia for the Western Australia Tarot Conference. Follow me on social media for updates and photos of my trip!

Adding to the usual busyness of the month was the task of updating my Tarot book, Tarot Book ~ Connecting with Tarot. This is the first time it has been updated since its last printing. It is now with the editor! Yay!! I am very excited.

Card of the Month: Two of Cups

Two of Cups Tarot Card.

The Two of Cups is the beginning of a new relationship or friendship. It is a time of healing and wisdom. Read more

On the road…Winter Shows

Here is the list of upcoming events this February and the reading fees. Please note that I have reduced my rates. Inflation hurts everyone!

Also, a friendly reminder to pre-book a reading. I encourage you to do this to avoid long wait times. Feel free to message me anytime to pre-book your session. No pre-payment is necessary!

Friday 2pm – 10pm
Saturday 11am – 10pm
Sunday 11am – 6pm

February 2 – 4 , 2024

February 9 – 11, 2024

Psychic & Medium & Tarot Readings Fees:

$60.00 for 15 minutes
$100.00 for 30 minutes – Show special!
$120.00 for 30 minutes – Couples
$150.00 for 45 minutes
$180.00 for 60 minutes

 On the plane…

I will be presenting at the Western Australia Tarot Conference. So, if you are in the Perth area on March 16, join us!

At home…

Psychic Cafe – Candle Scrying – February 6
An in-person class at my home in Innisfil.

Tarot Class – February 17
A lot of people have asked about tarot classes. In February we will meet for an in-person class at my home in Innisfil. This is Family Day weekend. It will run Saturday and Sunday from 10am – 4pm (ish). The investment is $200 and will include everything you need to take the class, including a deck of cards to take home with you.

Intuitive Tarot is designed to help you interpret the cards in many ways. This class is for guidance and personal wisdom. You will walk away with the ability to interpret the cards for yourself and others.

There are still spots available for my tarot class. Book soon; this class is small, and places are limited.

I hope everyone has an amazing month.

Happy Valentines Day


Betty Jane

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Psychic Cafe – Psychic Artwork, and Imbolc.

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