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It’s June!
For the last two weeks, I have been a tourist in Ontario with my good friend Helen. We went to the top of the CN Tower (no edge walk). A beautiful, clear, sunny day offered great views of Toronto. Then we went to the Island for lunch by the lake. We wandered all over Toronto, with over 12000 steps. Of course, we took in the iconic Toronto sign at City Hall.
We also spent a few days in Niagara. We first went to Reif Estates to pick up the Tarot Card wine that I take to the UK Tarot Conference every October. The wine is auctioned off and helps many charities and people who find it tough.
After Reif Estates, we headed to Niagara-on-the-Lake. We picked a gorgeous few days and enjoyed the sunshine. Helen had been worried about snow!! After that, we spent the afternoon at the Butterfly Conservatory. I have not been since I was a kid. We thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were lucky to have a butterfly land on Helen.
I have some exciting news!! My book, Connecting with Tarot ARRIVED from the publishers. YAY! It was a long time coming.
The Three of Wands indicates an achievement and accomplishment.
I am at the airport, again. This time, it is my annual trip to the UK. Hubby and I are off to Edinburgh. We will travel a bit before going to the Arthur Conan Doyle Centre for a few days. After, we will return home.
A number of people have asked about an online tarot class. So, yes, I will be offering one on Wednesdays starting mid-October. Learn more about the class and how to register on my website.
My autumn schedule has yet to be released, but it will be in the next couple of months. Until then, I offer in-person Zoom readings as well as email readings. Book a time that works for you!
Last month, I reviewed two new decks: the Sherwood Oracle and the Fool’s New Journey. My thoughts are posted on the website.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy summer.
Betty Jane
Betty Jane’s February show listings,
Psychic Cafe – Psychic Artwork, and Imbolc.
Betty Jane’s January show listing, Witchcraft Wednesday, and Psychic Cafe is back with Switch Words!